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Stop Aging In Its Tracks

Looking for help forming healthy habits?

Do you struggle to stick with it because life gets in the way. As we age, we all want to know how we can live healthier, for longer. We would love to stop aging in its tracks alltogether! That is why Dr. Lordan wrote this healthy living guide book.

Since we can not avoid the inevitable, we have to do what we can to extend our time here. To live as healthy as we can, for as long as we can.

This new book, published by Dr. Sean Lordan, owner of Concierge Physical Therapy, is filled with practical tips and anecdotes that are easy to understand.  11 Winning Secrets – Stop Aging In Its Tracks is designed to help you form and streamline healthy habits. In this book, Dr. Lordan makes decisions simple and easy to follow. Available in paperback and digital on

Dr. Lordan tells readers that, “the solution to the problems ailing our baby boomer generation and beyond is this:

A holistic total-body approach is the key to keeping your body healthy and active, well into old age.”

  • The 11 Winning Secrets inside this book encompass the nutrition, exercise, mental health, and wellness solutions that will keep you active and healthy well into your golden years.
  • Learn to reprogram your body and mind by making simple changes, stacking healthy habits, and avoiding saboteurs that will impact your life expectancy and quality of life.
  • Use the practical examples in this book to inspire you just as they have done for countless others who decided to take control of how they look and feel.

Remember: It is never too late to stop aging in its tracks!

To order your copy of 11 Winning Secrets to Stop Aging In Its Tracks, click here. 

To schedule an appointment with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy, contact our offices in Sutton (508)861-1010, OR Shrewsbury

(508) 841-5037. You can also book online, click here to book today.

5 Tips To Improve Your Core For Beach and Pool Season

Beach and pool season is in full swing. Show off a strong core (and ward away low back and neck pain) for the summer season.

Here are a 5 Tips To Improve Your Core For Beach and Pool Season.

  1. Do These 2 Exercises: Plank and Side-Plank. Both planks and side planks truly work your core. If you want that “cut” look at the beach or the pool, you need to work your innermost abdominal muscle group. These muscles are responsible for the corset effect of the core, stabilizing the spine. Side planks will also recruit the obliques, which act as adjust stabilizers of the spine and get rid of love handles.
  2. Hydration Is Key: It is no wonder many of us become slightly dehydrated on hot summer days at the beach or the pool! Our bodies are 60% water and when we’re outside, we’re primarily in the sun. The old rule used to be eight, 8 oz glasses of water per day. Drinking plenty of water will help maximize physical performance, will aid in weight loss and keep hydration levels up. Studies show that drinking a full glass of water before a meal, 3x per day, for 8 weeks, can significantly reduce body weight and fat compared with pre-study measures.
  3. Get a Foam Roller: Rolling out your mid back and opening up your chest by laying on the foam roller length wise is a great way to stretch your muscles and keep your posture in peak shape. It will help on the days you overdid it playing beach volley ball!
  4. Get Active: I talk about this is in my book. Walking, running and swimming are all great aerobic activities that are easy to perform during the nice summer weather. Aerobic exercises in conjunction with cross training are great for building a strong “core.” It is important to note that swimming is a great way to get aerobic exercise and protect the joints at the same time.
  5. Make Smart Food Choices: Do not consume processed foods. Processed foods are often tasty, but are loaded in sugar, sodium, and fat which will trick the brain into a craving. Have you ever had a hard time putting down the bag of Doritos? That’s why. Processed foods not only increase risk for many cancers but also are more calorie dense thus making it easier to put on added weight.

Schedule a core evaluation with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy, click here. 

You can also call our offices in Sutton (508) 861-1010 , OR, Shrewsbury (508) 841-5037

A comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Dr. Lordan provides you with a specialized assessment on your sports or orthopedic condition.

About Dr. Lordan:

Dr. Sean T. Lordan is a leading Physical Therapist and author of 11 Winning Secrets – Stop Aging In Its Tracks. His focus is on delivering excellence in medicine and individualized care. His clinical practice is expansive, treating patients from pediatrics to professional and Olympic athletes.

Dr. Lordan is Specialty Certified in Orthopedics by the American Physical Therapy Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (OCS). He is recognized as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is Certified in Spinal Manipulation and Dry Needling.