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Physical Therapy Evaluation

A comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Dr. Lordan provides you with a specialized assessment on your sports or orthopedic condition.

Individualized Treatment

Active one-to-one hands on manipulation and movement intervention to maximize your daily performance, rid pain, increase mobility, and improve your everyday quality of life. A determined course of treatment and duration will be recommended in congruence with your personal goals after a comprehensive Physical Therapy Evaluation.

Sports Massage
Graston Technique

Graston Technique® is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables Dr. Lordan to address scar tissue and "trigger points" resulting in improved patient outcomes.

The technique uses specially-designed stainless steel instruments, along with appropriate therapeutic exercise, to specifically detect and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The instruments also are used diagnostically to follow the kinetic chain, to locate and treat the cause of the symptom as well as the specific area of pain.

Postural Assessment

If a comprehensive Postural Assessment or Ergonomic consultation is what you're looking for, you have found a one-stop-shop. Dr. Lordan will assess your home or office and make any recommendations you may need to properly work in an environment that will maximize injury prevention without sacrificing comfort.

Functional Movement Screen

An absolute must for the young star or budding athlete, enter: the Functional Movement Screen. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS for short) is a screening tool used to identify limitations or asymmetries in seven fundamental movement patterns that are key to functional movement quality in individuals with no current pain complaint or known musculoskeletal injury.

It is used as a basis for Dr. Lordan's preventative medicine program, see below.


Orthotics meaning, "to straighten" or "align", are used in medicine to correct mechanical imbalances beginning from the ground up. Orthotics control or guide ones lower extremity into the proper alignment, improve current systems, and prevent future muscle length- tension deficiencies. Please consult with Dr. Lordan for further information.

Preventative Medicine

In order to initiate down the path of further salubrity, Concierge Physical Therapy offers a comprehensive Preventative Medicine program for those who are interested in staying healthy after their immediate ailments are solved.

Corporate Consultation

Looking to reduce employee absenteeism and save money in insurance premiums? Ask about the Concierge Physical Therapy custom corporate experience. A comprehensive ergonomic assessment + staff training will help your company realize its true potential.

Dry Needling

Do you suffer from Chronic Low Back Pain, Knee Arthritis, or Plantar Fasciitis? If your answer is yes, please inquire about our dry needling program. Various literature reviews demonstrate excellent results for pain reduction and return to function after only a few sessions of dry needling.

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