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Telehealth Physical Therapy

Dr. Sean Lordan

The Benefits of Telehealth

The advent of the novel coronavirus has changed medicine tremendously in just a short time span. Physical therapists and medical practitioners alike have needed to pivot their expertise to provide high-value care to their patients and clients via a different medium than the typical “office-visit.” Leading experts in medicine are now turning to Telehealth as the only option to provide medical services to their patients.

Specifically, specialties like physical therapy need to do this to continue to provide their clients with a high quality of care including Concierge Physical Therapy in Sutton where we are “raising the standard,” of care for our patients by being at the forefront of the Telehealth movement.

During this difficult time, the health community is offering Telehealth services to those who are forced to be home bound.

Here are some of the benefits of Telehealth:

  • Convenience: Speak with a doctor or physical therapist from the comfort of your own home.
  • Reassurance: Establish a daily exercise routine that will help you manage aches and pains.
  • Medical Expertise: Get true medical advice regarding your specific diagnosis regarding how long symptoms should last and whether or not they are “normal.”
  • Flexibility: Many varied appointment times to fit your schedule.
  • Secure: HIPPA compliant software ensures your safety and security with regard to your medical information.
  • Simple: You can connect with a doctor through any variety of applications, or even just communicate via telephone, if your prefer.

Many insurances are covering 100% of the Telehealth visit. Call for more details about what your insurance covers. As you can see there are a myriad of ways to get in touch with your care provider during this COVID-19 crisis, it appears in this issue of Grafton News, Grafton, MA.

There is no reason to suffer at home when it is as simple as reaching out to their office including Concierge Physical Therapy at (508) 861-1010.